Pathways in Action
28 May 2020 EPISODE 001: Join the Pathways to Resilience Team for a chat about supporting families to build resilience during home schooling and a return to the classroom. Featuring; Debbie Miller, Marnie Courtney and Sonia Moloney
4 June 2020 EPISODE 002: Join the Pathways to Resilience Team for a chat about regulating with children through overwhelm and big emotions. Featuring; Marnie Courtney and Sonia Moloney.
24 July 2020 EPISODE 003: When we, as adults in a child's life, use descriptive feedback to notice the traits or skills a child brings to a situation, it can change their story about themselves. Using descriptive feedback rather than responding with a judgement of good girl/boy or similar, helps children notice they have skills and strategies they use in different situations that help them experience success. Descriptive feedback needs to be specific, helpful, kind and authentic.
25 July 2020 EPISODE 004: This video gives examples of how we might use stories to draw attention to what children can bring to various situations. We can help children notice their strengths and change the story they have about themselves. For more information on programs offered by Pathways, please visit Featuring: Marnie Courtney (Reading “Giraffes Can't Dance” by Giles Andreae, illustrations by Guy Parker-Rees).
30 July 2020 EPISODE 005: Join the Pathways Team for a chat about the young child's developing brain. When we experience big emotions, we lose the connection with the thinking part of the brain. When children have a basic understanding of what happens when they experience big emotions, they can begin to notice this and use strategies such as taking deep slow breaths to clam down. For more information on programs offered by Pathways please visit:
Featuring Sonia Moloney and Debbie Miller
3 August 2020 EPISODE 006: The Pathways Team talk about what happens for children when they feel overwhelmed and what we can do to stay calm and assist them to become regulated. For more information on programs offered by Pathways, please visit
Featuring Sonia Moloney & Marnie Courtney
10 August 2020 EPISODE 007: Join the Pathways Team for an introductory chat about the 'Window of Tolerance', a concept drawn from Dr Dan J Siegel's work. This concept suggests that we all experience an optimum arousal level within the Window of Tolerance that allows for the ebb and flow (ups and downs of emotions) experienced by human beings. Understanding our own Window of Tolerance may enable us to intentionally support others. For more information on programs offered by Pathways please visit:
Featuring Brenda Allport and Sharon Krueger
17 August 2020 EPISODE 008: Join the Pathways to Resilience Team for a chat about what the 'Bottom Up Approach' to behaviour means and how this approach may give us a different way to view children and our own responses when struggling with big emotions or challenges. For more information on programs offered by Pathways please visit: Featuring Brenda Allport and Sharon Krueger
24 August 2020 EPISODE 009: "Self-regulation". How does this develop? When can we expect our children to be able to exhibit self-regulation? Join the Pathways to Resilience team as we discuss these questions and look at our own regulation and how we can use this to support our children when they are struggling. For more information on programs offered by Pathways please visit:
30 November 2020 EPISODE 010: Marnie and Sandra chat about how the physical environment we provide can help regulate and calm children as well as encouraging children to be curious by providing a safe, inviting space.
7 December 2020 EPISODE 011: Sonia, Marnie and Sandra talk about and demonstrate how singing with children can help create a sense of fun, connection and assist with regulation.
rewire the brain
Rewire the Brain was a free training program funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, researched by Griffith University and facilitated by Pathways to Resilience and Stronger Brains Ltd. The program aimed to improve cognitive function, social and emotional skills, and capacity for self-regulation in young people aged 16-24 who had moved, or were at risk of moving, away from education and into long-term unemployment. Rewire the Brain completed in December 2019.
ABC compass - pitch up episode 3
Pitch Up Brisbane - On the banks of the Brisbane River, Kumi meets Zoe who uses animals to help people experiencing social isolation, Melissa who was pregnant at 16 and now mentors teen mums and Debbie (Pathways Director of Education and Learning) who trains teachers how to connect with traumatised children.
wings to fly
Find out more about Wings to Fly, our program for Early Years Educators.
ABC radio brisbane
Focus: How to be a “charismatic adult” for a child in need
An interview with Debbie Miller (Pathways Director of Education and Learning), Madelaine Winstanley (Pathways Education and Engagement Consultant) and Dr Jennifer Cartmel (Griffith University) on ABC Radio Brisbane's Focus program.
ABC radio brisbane
Focus: When life falls apart again and again, what will get you through?
Debbie Miller (Pathways Director of Education and Learning) on the panel for ABC Radio Brisbane's Focus program.